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Exquisite Corpses. 2001-18

This publication has allowed to compile a part of the drawings made about the obituary * of the newspaper, mostly western, local, national and international newspapers, during the period of the last fifteen years. The interest of these interventions with pen on biographies, is to value the uniqueness of this legacy -in past, present and future- that are part of our imaginary complex, both personal and collective, in multiple intersecting directions, rebuilding a fragile memory to scale; going from the iconic texture of the printed image, to the neuronal pulse of what was happening at that moment in the world; establishing an apparent continuity, historical, generational and interrelated, from which, society has been designing its models of representation.

* The obituary is the section of a newspaper dedicated to death - animal, vegetable, human or thing - followed by a brief biographical note. In general, it is a void of a certain social, political or cultural relevance.

Exhibitions: 30 años de Metrópolis, Fundación Canal, Madrid, 2014; Museo Artium, Vitoria/Gasteiz, 2010; Centre d'Art La Panera, Lleida; "Registro contra el tiempo", Villa Iris, Santander, 2006; Galería Valle Ortí, Valencia.


Centre d´Art La Panera. Lleida, 2011

Galería Valle Orti, Valencia

``Registro contra el tiempo``, Villa Iris, Santander, 2006

Images of “Exquisite Corpses” catalogue
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